June 11, 2010

Selling Indonesian food on the street sidewalk

There are many side­walk stalls in Indone­sia. They are called “5 foot side­walk stalls” because they sell on side­walk (known as Peda­gang Kaki lima: or 5 foot) where the width is 5 feet long. So, we don’t need to come in a restau­rant or food stall to fill in our stom­achs.

f our pocket is in cri­sis, come and try food in the side­walk. They usu­ally sell on a small tent or push­cart on side­walk city. They have unique ways to attract peo­ple. For exam­ple, a meat ball seller strikes the meat ball pan or a Indone­sian chicken noo­dle seller makes sounds by bam­boos. Sure, it will not be a bor­ing culi­nary tourism.

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